
Student Corner

My Furry Friend

Written by: Riyansh Shrestha - 34047, Grade II

Posted on: 08 February, 2024

I have a dog named Nancy. It belongs to the Japanese Splits family. She is a fluffy white clever dog who keeps wagging her tail around me. Each morning, Nancy greets me with excitement ready for a great day. Nancy is a great listener, she gives me good company whenever I have to go for a walk. Not only when I have to go out, she stays with me throughout the time when I have to sit down for my homework. 

I also play with her during my free time. We usually play a game with a small ball. I throw the ball and she runs fast to fetch it. She also works as a warm pillow for me.Whenever I feel tired,

I sit lying by her side with my head on her furry tail.

I love my furry friend a lot.