
Student Corner

What Is “Yes Theory”?

Written by: Dhiraj Chapagain - 2022007, Grade X

Posted on: 15 September, 2020

When was the time we felt the most alive? This question that may take a bit of time to answer for some of us or when was the time when we took a risk and ended up overcoming it? Some of us may not have any answers to these. We all have fallen into a routine of our same boring daily lives doing the same thing over and over again. “When people become comfortable, the time flies by” this line was quoted by one of the members of Yes theory. Yes theory is a movement that particularly encourages people to say yes to things that put them outside of their comfort zone. This movement was started by a youtube channel with the same name “Yes theory” by three guys with their vision of making people not stay comfortable in their bed all day long but go chase their dreams. They make videos about seeking discomfort and challenging what most people consider normal. They currently have 5.79 million subscribers on youtube. They try to put themselves into difficult situations in life that we would never have dared. They believe in what they say is “Seeking discomfort”. 

This channel is owned by three guys (Thomas, Matt, Ammar) who were completely born and raised in different parts of the world. In the summer of 2015, they all met by coincidence and bonded over a shared desire to do something different with their lives. During their starting phase, they didn’t really have anything to start but a camera and a one-bedroom apartment in Canada. They had a simple realization that they grow the most when they leave their comfort zone and face what life has to offer. After all, by nature, we are meant to be thirsty, thirsty for risk-taking, for adventure, for exploration, and for trying out new things. Saying yes to some of the crazy things can create a spark in people which allows them to say yes more to their gut and what their heart wants and maybe their life could be so much memorable.