
Student Corner

Time Travel

Written by: Nishant Mahato - 2025010, Grade VII

Posted on: 14 September, 2020

How many of us have heard about time travel? Almost all of us. But is it possible to make a time machine like one of the cartoons and anime we see?

Time traveling can be possible and also transportation. We might have heard many theories about time travel. Some say they have even experienced time travel. It can be true but not exactly what we expect. We can either time travel from a black hole or a wormhole or make a time machine. If we try transporting through wormholes we may be in the future in time because it takes us years to reach but just feel seconds. Even if we successfully make a quantum teleportation machine we can also do time travel through that. What a teleporting machine does is destroy our body and make another duplicate at the destination. If there's anyone in the machine then we might end up colliding with the insect or object that's inside the machine and end up being a new species. During time travel we either have to go through a black hole or a wormhole, which might be too tough but we will end up being in a good place if we are lucky enough or get to another planet or end up dying. 

It's possible to make a teleporting machine by 2050 or a time travel machine in that period. There are many chances of quantum teleportation till that time.