
Student Corner

Education For Skilled Human Resource

Written by: Arunesh Manandhar - 2022002, Grade X

Posted on: 13 September, 2020

We all know for a fact that “Education is the backbone of the country”. In order to produce skilled and hardworking humans, modern education is very important. It plays a vital role in the sustainable development of the nation. So, modern education practice is the basic and important need for Nepal for its development.

As we go back to the history of education in Nepal, we can consider it very poor. During the Rana Regime, ordinary people were not allowed to get an education. Only the Ranas who had power in their hands used to go to schools for education. The only school was, “Durbar High School”, for them too. Other ordinary citizens were just puppets in Rana’s hands. This education system before democracy was very poor. Before the Rana regime, The Buddhists used to get an education in Gumbas and monasteries, the Hindus used to go to ashrams and temples. In the era of the 21st century, modern education is very important. As human civilization grew up, technology also has provided a platform for humans to live a very peaceful and comfortable life. Life has become easier since science and technology have developed. Looking at the education system of Nepal till now, it’s not so effective. Some of the schools and colleges have implemented modern education practice but many of them are lacking it. Our education system has only focused on the bookish knowledge we gain by going to school and colleges around 200 days a year. They are not focused on the vocation and effective way of teaching the students. They are only focused on how to complete the syllabus designed by the board to the students. If they were focused on vocation and effective education then our country would have produced skilled and hardworking human manpower. 

Likewise, our school has also implemented a quality and effective teaching and learning process for the last 2-3 years. We have been learning our stuff with joy and happiness. We have been regularly enjoying videos related to the course that we are reading. Only looking after the knowledge we gain from books is not enough. If we visualize the thing that we read then we can have a quality education.

Talking about the literacy rate of Nepal, it is just 63.9%  which is very low compared to other countries. If we are able to level up the literacy rate up to 95% or even 100% then we can have our country more than developed countries.

Thus, modern education practice in Nepal is a very basic and important need for our country to remove political instability and establish a democratic country with highly skilled human power. So,  if we can establish our country with skilled and hardworking human power with a 100% literacy rate then our country can be successful and developed.