
Student Corner

My Friend

Written by: Siddhant Regmi - 24041, Grade XII

Posted on: 25 December, 2023

 I had a friend entirely mine,

I have known him since we were nine.

We played games together,

We promised to stay friends forever.


We went to school an’ did stupid things,

From which we created messy scenes.

For doing so we got in trouble,

We still wanted to be friends forever.


One bright day we went for a walk,

That day he got lost in a park. 

I panicked, asked the police for help,

They said don't worry, we’ll find your friend.


After some time I found my friend,

Nothing between us was pretend.

We cried for a while together,

We still wanted to be friends forever.


Sometimes we get in a fight,

We soon realize I'm always the one right.

Today, his and my ways are different,

But our friendship still knows no end.


We remember our past days together,

We promise to cherish it forever.

We still do things that might be dumb,

Still, that gives us a lot of fun.