
Student Corner

The Lost Treasures And Its History

Written by: Bisu Maharjan - 28003, Grade VIII

Posted on: 25 December, 2023

There is history to be made and found. There are various incidents and tales yet to be solved. Many stories and tales don't have an explanation or proper answer. Some are near the solving and others remain a mystery to this day. There are tales passed from generation to generation just needing an answer or explanation to some of these that do not have a proper answer. Two of these types of tales are:

King Solomon's Mines

In the Southern part of Israel, towards depths of the desert, you can find the Timna Valley now known for its copper mines and geography. It has a tale unique of its own. Approximately 3,000 years ago it was known for its vast networks of copper mines which have risen to popularity in recent years to a myth or fact no one knows which was that people think King Solomon as described in the bible a novel ruler of Israel who is said to be a real people according to historians who lived in 10 BC he is believed to have been a great ruler and had expanded the territory of Israel.

The Bible claimed about the king Solomnon controlling vast amounts of the world's wealth. King decided to make a temple with the finest materials available with gold on the inside walls and copper-made statues which was a valuable metal at the time considering this place the home of god. King Solomon ruled for more than 40 to 50 years before dying and leaving the gold and other materials in the temple in 583 BC the city got invaded and the treasures of 'King Solomon were left missing from history. This is where the theory comes in that the riches were hidden in the depths of the copper mines. When author H.R Haggard released the book ‘King Solomon’s Mines’ to the world’ he believed that the treasures of King Solomon were hidden in a mineshaft. One of the first pieces of evidence further proving this theory is by an archeologist named Nelson Gluek who found pottery in the mines during the era of King Solomon’s rule. He thought that he had proved that he had discovered the treasures of King Solomon. But there are no other proper answers to the things that the bible claimed but this remains a mystery.

Eldorado: The lost city of gold

Eldorado is a mythical city of gold, This  tale starts with the spanish trying to takeover South America then they hear from the natives and indigenous tribes about a city made of gold there were many similarities to the stories that each told so the army decided to venture in the forest there they find artifacts of neatly crafted gold masks and statues getting them closer and closer to the city they thought was lost to the world hence, naming the city the lost city of gold and the meaning of eldorado littery meaning “the gold”.They also sure that there was a ritual that the indigenous people performed at lake Guatavita where the new leader would be covered in gold dust and he would go into the middle of the lake on a boat and then give many offerings to the god made of gold. Then the leader himself would go in the water taking the gold dust off him. This is also believed to be performed from 1000 years ago. Oriana, the leader, and his men go through the path then find people covered in gold then they find a city in the hiding of the jungle Oriano and his men attack the people but they get won over with ease. Oriano being able to survive but then when he went back home he told the tales then with enough funding people they headed to the lost city where in the sea one of their four boats got left behind because 98 people get infected with a pandemic leaving only three boats behind then in a storm one of the boats got swept away at last they got lost in the rivers of amazon and the people thought it was all a lie but in 2020 they find that there was gold rivers flowing from space which meant illegal mining but then when a group of scientists did an aerial scan they found the foundation of a city in to pisces with roads and vast amounts of space but thought to be abandoned this proved what Oriano said but there was a speculation of other parts in the jungle but this could be never to be solved.