
Student Corner

Animal Rights

Written by: Krituka Sapkota - 2024007, Grade VIII

Posted on: 13 September, 2020

Animal rights are the rights of animals that prevent the exploitation and abuse of them by humans. 

The Earth is not only home to us humans. It is also the home to various species. They have the equal right to live free from abuse and exploitation just like us. The abusers of animals should be punished accordingly. Some of the animal rights include no hunting, no experimenting on animals, no use of animals for entertainment, no use of animals for hard labor, and many more. Animal cruelty is one of the serious problems in the world today. No living being should be put in such pain and difficulty. The habitat of animals is being destroyed day by day. Humans should stop this soon because most of the animals are being endangered because of this. There are animals which are a very important part of the ecosystem. If they are put in harm, the ecosystem will be unbalanced. Every animal, domestic or wild should get animal rights because they have the right to live free too. The domestic animals should be cared for properly by their owners/caretakers and the habitat of wild animals should not be destroyed. 

We should not forget that animals are part of nature too and have the right to live freely in their habitat. It is our loss if we do not think about this matter before it's too late.