
Student Corner


Written by: Shubham Devkota - 25060, Grade XI

Posted on: 22 December, 2023

I know the thing you are hiding behind,

But I’m staying silent to look kind. 

You know I've seen it, but I'll act blind,

Don't tell the truth, it will be declined.

Hiding the true color and face,

Acting dumb to hide the trace,

Don't worry,  not the first case,

None has won after starting first in a race. 

It might feel good even while being wrong,

But the happiness never lasts long.

Looks strong but it's hollow from inside,

Even giving proof you straight up denied. 

Live, laugh, stay happy it won't last forever,

Soon everyone will connect the dot together. 

It's always hard for me to lie, 

It will poke and hurt me till I die.