
Student Corner

English Reading Book 

Written by: Subha Shree Malla - 2030040, Grade II

Posted on: 13 September, 2020

Hello everyone! It’s me Shubha Shree Malla. Today I’m going to write an article about English Reading Book. There are different types of subjects in my class. For example; Sanskrit, Maths, Nepali, Science, Drama, Dance, Social, Music, English, English reading, Local and Visual Art. Among them, the English reading book is one of my favorite books. In this subject, I can read different types of interesting stories. The important part of the subject is we need to finish our one storybook within one month. That’s why we also call it a monthly reading book. It is helping me in many ways such as; to improve my English pronunciation, to improve my drawing, and my handwriting as well as it is improving my reading habit. Our Aishworya ma’am takes our class from google meet once a week on Friday. Only after joining the Deerwalk Sifal School, I got a chance to read the English reading book as the main subject.