
Student Corner

What makes us human?

Written by: Prasiddha Shrestha - 28008, Grade VIII

Posted on: 15 December, 2023

We all are human but What makes us human is a very significant question. We have existed on this planet for thousands of years. We have explored most of the places on this planet. After that we have landed on other planets but is this what makes us human? Do the discoveries we made make us a human or the destruction we have caused? This question can be answered in a very versatile manner. All of the 8  billion people living on this planet might give different answers to this question but in the end all their answers will be correct. We all are human. We should have an idea or opinion on this question. We all should be able to give an answer to this question.

Firstly, languages and our Ability to communicate. We humans are the only animals who can communicate with each other. Communicating is also done by other animals but we are much more efficient than other animals. With the ability to communicate we can express our imagination and emotions. We can express what we think of others and what we think should happen. Thousands of languages are spoken here. Some may be difficult to learn but some may be easy. There are so many languages that it creates diversity in the population. But this diversity is what brings unity in us. We are special because we are very diverse. Sometimes it's difficult to understand each other because there is so much diversity in our cultures, traditions, religions, languages etc.

We are also special because we have empathy and sympathy.  Our ability to understand each other is very high. We are able to cooperate with each other and establish bonds to promote cultures and traditions, we are able to care for others etc. Everyone has their own skill set and their own capacity. Some are able to understand each other whereas some people just don't seem to get an idea about a certain topic. We can choose what we can or what we should do. We humans have evolved so much and passed through so many generations that life now is much more simpler and easier than before. We can compare the ancient civilization throughout the world to present the country and we can see the comfort in this modern era. Every single day we are evolving or passing through a new generation. Everyday new discoveries are made in lots of different sectors like science, mathematics etc. Everyday we get to know new things not only just about our world but also different things. We may learn these things on the internet or at school. We human beings are very compassionate creatures. We have such a strong imagination. This ability is very very powerful.

We have been able to adapt to this earth all this time. Humans survived in the ‘ice age’ because they were able to adapt to the environment. They were able to think about what they should be doing. Other times such as during the spread of a disease or any virus we choose to not go out very often because we were trying to adapt to a new lifestyle where we can be safe from diseases and viruses. Some people may not be able to adapt to certain situations. For example we can take one person from a very mountainous region and migrate them towards the Tarai area; it will be very difficult for them to adapt to a new lifestyle. They would be used to wearing thick clothes and eating warm food but in the ride they will feel very very hot to the point where they will feel like it's difficult for them to survive. As new generations begin to pass our genes will get advanced and persistent. Genes improve by themselves. We were able to survive through different periods on this earth because our genes were able to modify themselves to be able to adapt to the environment in that situation.

Our development in technology and innovations has recently been growing at a very rapid rate. Our ability to use them has also been developing. We are able to use AI and other technological items to our advantage for a very long time. We have shown signs of development like never before. This growth has also helped us improve our lifestyle and change our personality. We are also  versatile creatures for the same reason. We are also good at reasoning and we can also justify what is right and what is wrong. We may be able to justify based on statements or evidence. 

In conclusion, to be human, the human race should advance from its efficiency, do things differently and adapt with the changing circumstances.