
Student Corner

Why Are We Forgetting To Respect And Appreciate Each Other?

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 09 September, 2020

What do you mean by the words ‘appreciate’ and ‘respect’? People often think that these two words have no value in our life but they are wrong. These two words can change everything that is happening in a person’s life. Now, you wonder how that can be possible? The word ‘appreciate’ means recognizing the value of and being grateful for. The word ‘respect’ means admiration for someone because of their qualities or achievements and consideration of the feelings or rights of others. These two words are easy to spell but hard to understand and feel.

‘Appreciate’ this word for you may be a joke to you now but after knowing it you will know the value and importance of it. We often are busy with our own work. We forget the person who is taking care of us in every aspect. We often forget to appreciate their efforts. We often forget to appreciate what we have and others don’t have. You know, most of the people only appreciate if any good thing happens or someone did any good thing to them but some people are there who always appreciate whether any bad or good things happened to them. That is what we call appreciating someone. Why should we only appreciate God for everything? Aren’t there other people to appreciate our life? If you count on the people who you should appreciate there are many. The first one is your family members then armies, doctors, nurses, police officers, engineers, sweepers, and cleaners. These people work hard for us to have peaceful living, harmony, to be secured and safe, to stay in a healthy and clean environment, and to have a mutual understanding. You don’t have to do all the work they have done for you to appreciate them. Just stay with them and help them a little and most importantly say ‘thank you’, greet them every time you meet them. It does not take a single rupee to be kind to people. A simple thank you will make their day, trust me. When you say it you will know the value of appreciating others. You can try saying thank you even in small things as that will make someone’s day happy and also your mood good.

“Don’t be concerned about others not appreciating you. Be concerned about your not appreciating others. ” - Confucius

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them. ”

“Thankyou is the least I can say to you to show my appreciation for everything you have done for me.”

These sayings have very deep meaning if taken seriously.

‘Respect’ this word is really magical in itself. We people say this word more than a hundred times. We say respect others, respect each other’s thoughts, respect each other’s profession but do we do it? I guess there are fewer people who do it. In this modern age, people are losing their respect for each other. We should respect every person we see in our day to day life. We people often disrespect people by their occupation. In people’s eyes the work like sweeper and cleaner are not to be respectful, is it true? In people's eyes the uneducated people are not to be respected, is it?  We respect what other people are doing. Respect is not a thing that you wish to get as a demand but respect is a thing to earn by yourself as you earn your income by working for it. I heard there are two kinds of people in the world. In the first world, parents force their children to be successful and end up like a sweeper, cleaner or a waiter. In the second world, parents teach their children to be successful and create a big world for the people who are working hard being sweeper, cleaner, or waiter. In these two worlds, it is clearly shown how much respect is there for each other, each other’s feelings and work. Learn to respect people and you will earn respect yourself. Respect people in even small things like we appreciate them in every little thing. In order of getting respect people to end up doing very stupid things which only cause them to be disrespectful. Respect is a feeling that can only be felt with your heart then you get respect from outside from others. Respect the people who are there in your hard times especially your parents. Respect every little creature living on earth because they have the equal right to be respected. Most people disrespect according to gender and sexual orientation too. They too have the same right to do anything and to be equally respected as we do. It was not their fault to be born that way, it’s not a feeling, they are people with feelings. People need to seriously need to learn to be empathetic. This world lacks empathy that is why it is going in the wrong direction. The killing of innocent black people, gender-based violence, and so on. 

“Respect cannot be learned, purchased, or acquire