
Student Corner

Drama Festival

Written by: Aayaan Rai - 31006, Grade V

Posted on: 28 November, 2023

The drama teaching school, Lalabala, organised an international festival where different countries showcased their acts. It was not a competition; it was a festival. Our school participated alongside countries like France, Poland, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Slovakia. The festival, organised by Lalabala's chairman, Tanka Chaulagain, took place at Swasti Sri Gurukul IB World School, an impressive institution with a futsal ground, basketball court, and an indoor heated swimming pool. The main building stood six floors high.

Our school had prepared an act for the Drama Night a year ago, and we decided to perform the same act at the festival. The day before our performance, we had a rehearsal at Swasti Sri Gurukul. My mother and grandmother were coming to see me act, and, coincidentally, it was my birthday on the day of the festival.

On the festival day, our teacher, Rajan sir, gathered us at the elementary school at 7 a.m. There, we changed into our costumes and practised our act with sound. We headed to Swasti Sri Gurukul at 9 a.m. The journey was quite long, and our performance was scheduled for 11 a.m.

After our act, many people approached me for photos. We went downstairs and played futsal for a while before going to a restaurant for lunch. After eating, we returned to watch other shows. First, we watched Slovakia's drama titled 'Sadness for John Lennon.' Their act portrayed a bullet believed to be the strongest thing in the world, but John Lennon's songs were depicted as even stronger. The drama concluded with John Lennon's famous song, "Imagine."

Next was Nepal's drama titled 'Saili Barai,' depicting the story of a 15-year-old Dalit boy who died at the hands of the police. It was the most intense act I had ever seen.

After the act, we attended the medal and certificate distribution ceremony, where small statues of Buddha were also given. Once the distribution concluded, we returned to the elementary school. My friends called their parents, and Rajan sir dropped me home, where I celebrated my birthday party!