
Student Corner


Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 07 September, 2020

Starting from her childhood, she was not like others, kids playing with friends but she was one of a kind who spent time with her great grandfather and grandparents. She was not that smart nor beautiful through her point of view. She underestimated herself often compared to others. She wore very beautiful dresses sent by her maternal uncle and her dad from abroad. She enjoyed her amazing childhood with her family. While she was young, her great grandfather passed away which did not affect her as much because she did not understand the concept of death but his loss saddened her as she grew older. She had enjoyed spending her time with her great grandfather roaming around, playing with each other, teasing each other, getting lost, and eating stupid things. She admired him and loved him so much more than her parents. Sometimes her grandfather used to give some local alcohol to her to cure some illness. But it was more likely that after drinking it, she got drunk and acted like a stupid person. One time, she was so drunk that when she came home she kept on saying funny things and kept doing stupid things.

Growing up, she joined her school and started to learn. She learned a lot of things and shared them with her family members. She learned to open herself. She liked dancing so much that every time she told her mom to shoot a video of her. She was a great dancer. Her dance moves seemed very freeing. As a student studying in the lower school, her second eldest sister used to pick and drop her off from school. She loved her elder sister very much and fought a lot with her younger sister. She loved all her three cousin sisters. She also loved her grandparents on both of her parents’ side as well as them especially her little dog who she regarded as her brother as she was the only child. She never treated her dog as an outsider and the dog’s name was ‘Mun’. She played with him so much and irritated him a lot. She used to spend more time with her mom rather than her dad because her dad stayed abroad and she was only there to see her. Many years later, her dad came home to surprise her. The first time she saw her dad; it was shocking and she called him a very dangerous looking man because he had long hair and he was tall and fit.

A month had passed and she was always happy and excited to spend time with her father. Her father only came for two months and again he returned abroad for his work. When he went, she felt very sad. Years went on, she spent all her time with her family members. There was her older sister who admired and loved a lot. She was like a second mother to her. Picking her up at school was always her grandfather’s duty. He used to hold her hands and brought her to their shop. She used to have snacks in the shop and used to go home with her grandparents talking and laughing till they reached home. She used to love her grandparents so much that they had held so much importance in her life; even more than her parents. She grew up with her younger sister fighting, laughing, roaming, and loving.

After a few years, her younger sister and second eldest sister went abroad to study and work. Her mother, her elder sister, her grandparents, and she were only at home for several years. Then her second eldest sister got married and spent time with her for a few months and went abroad again. After that, when her eldest sister got married, she cried for several days that she couldn’t marry anyone. She loved her so much that she didn’t want her to leave the house. She grew up and developed physically and mentally. She was also betrayed by her friends at some time. She was left all alone in her group. After facing this for a few months, she felt that she didn't have a friend to accompany her because she found a friend within her. She faced the fact that she is not alone by herself and started to seek for opportunities and success. She wasn’t bothered by the loneliness that her supposed “friends" gave her. She moved on and faced it all alone and still, she chose to face the problems alone. She found herself a best friend within herself. After many years, her father came and stayed with their family. After that, everybody was happy in the house.

After a few years, her elder sister gave birth to a baby boy. Her second eldest sister also had a baby girl. She was an aunt of two. She was the only child of her parents but after some time she had her own sister which she was praying and hoping to have. She felt so happy again to be a sister. Although there was a huge age gap between them she was so happy that she couldn’t explain. She was so blessed to have a family where she could share all her emotions. After that, she realized the value of everyone in her family and what it looks like to be a part of a loving family.

The story of “she” you read is about me.