
Student Corner


Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VIII

Posted on: 10 November, 2023

There are several definitions used to define these 12-letter words, productivity. However, in simple terms productivity can be defined as the effort you keep to do something to achieve your goals. Productivity usually has different meanings considering this word to be used in different fields and different aspects. But, a common meaning we can see in that word, despite being used in different aspects and fields, is that it usually means to be active and attentive in something you do or to use the time you have as efficiently as possible, either by completing your assignments or completing your research. However, from what I have seen, this term “Productivity” is commonly and mostly used by students these days.


Productivity does not only include completing assignments or just studying for 3 hours straight. It also means to manage your time properly, plan out your day, sort your things out and just get out of your own shadow. If someone wants to be productive, they should include traits like being well-managed, being sort-out, being confident in what you do etc. However, it is not as easy to be “productive” if you want to. It is hard being actually productive. While doing it for the first or the second time, you might get burned out completely and after some hours, you’ll feel like you’d rather be sleeping in your comfy bed than study. However, after you see the results of you being productive, you will want to do more productive tasks and become productive.


There are some people who take productivity very seriously. Some people want to be so productive that they even forget to take breaks. Productive does mean to work effectively. But, you're a human and your body needs rest as well. Thus, after an hour, you must at least take a break of 5 minutes. Many children, teens and kids are likely to use their phones, play games or use social media during that 5 minute interval. After that 5 minutes, those children, teens are likely not just to be burned out or lazy or unmotivated. So, instead of spending your 5 minute break by doing something that makes you lazy or unmotivated, reading a novel, drawing, writing a poem, meditating or just warming your body up can be done. Unlike feeling lazy or unproductive after using your phones and social media, if you read a novel, draw or just walk, you’ll feel motivated to be more productive. Hear me out, nobody is 100% productive. Though, some might seem attentive in the works that s/he does, there is something in that person which just makes them demotivated after sometime or there will be just something else on their mind for a period of time. Being demotivated is not a bad thing, however, sometimes, something can make you so unmotivated that you’ll spend your whole remaining day in a slump on your bed or couch. 


For the students, productivity refers to being attentive and active while doing their assignments effectively. As we know, children and kids are usually lazy these days. However, there are several video’s online that show how a student is trying to be productive by studying a lot, going to libraries or just a cafe to study. There are many people who have said that to become productive, you could have just stayed at home and studied at your kitchen or your study desk. However, everybody is not the same and everyone’s preference is not the same as well. If someone hates pickles, others love them. Like this, if someone can study at home, that does not mean that everyone can study at home. They might just like the vibes by studying in the library or cafe’s.


There are several ways to be productive. Though, it might not help all of the students, it will help most of the students out there in the world struggling to be productive or catch up on the academic works they have missed. Getting organized is one of the major effective ones. No one can study in an environment which is all messy and unorganized. Though, the sun might be right in front of your window, the environment you’re going to study in will still be dull as it is unorganized. Thus befores studying, we must clean our studying area or just study in a place that is clean. Having a to-do list is also effective. Creating a to-do list for tomorrow just makes spending your day being productive so much more easier. It just manages your time, makes you complete your tasks, duties and works in time and just plans out your whole day so you don’t have to think “what should I do today?”. Instead of thinking hours of what to do, you can simply just start doing your tasks and completing your to-do lists. One of the most liked or used methods is if you are trying to study some material, start by studying your favorite subject as it will motivate you to keep on studying. And, eventually start reading the other subjects' materials. While being productive, people sometimes like to multitask but multitasking during studying just makes the thing your study less efficient and makes your attention span less making you unable to completely focus on your assignments or your study materials properly. Instead, you should first start by meditation or by training your mind to be sharp. Then, you should start by multitasking between two works. After you become good at multitasking, you can perform multitasking. But, instead of multitasking, single-tasking can be more efficient while studying.


Productivity is really efficient as it helps them to be good at their academic work, to manage their time, to complete their duties and responsibility. Being productive is not that easy, however, if you ignore those motivations and focus on your goals to achieve, you will become productive. Studying productively just helps the student’s work to be more efficient and shows their hard work in the work they do. The quote by Friedrich Nietzsche is memorable: “When one has much to put into them, a day has a hundred pockets.”