
Student Corner

Writing A Poem

Written by: Eshaan Kumar Rajbhandari - 27027, Grade IX

Posted on: 02 October, 2023

I'm unsure for whom this poem is meant,

As I explore my thoughts while walking homeward bent.

I'm uncertain if these words will truly rhyme,

Unsure if they're mine, frozen in time.


Expressing thoughts I can't quite remember,

I ponder how to articulate my inner ember.

As I glimpse a beggar, a thought unwinds,

Do I alone see him, or is the world unkind?


Witnessing him bears a heavy weight,

Understanding the cruelty, my heart's compassion does rate.

A friend's betrayal in a business's tempestuous trial,

Could that be why the person beside me can't smile?


I wonder why people in these times can't be more wise,

As they dismantle lives in pursuit of their own paradise.

The sight of the beggar inspires this poem's creation,

A reminder of the trials I've faced on my homeward meditation.