
Student Corner

Importance Of Education

Written by: Pratyush Lohani - 31019, Grade V

Posted on: 02 October, 2023

Education is one of the most important human needs. It is the light of life that brings darkness to brightness. Only education helps to make us successful human beings. An educated person has a better chance of getting a job. If a country has sufficient educated citizens, it can move towards development. Every country needs skilled manpower for its development, and education produces various skilled manpower like doctors, engineers, professors, administrators, etc. They can perform their duties in a better manner. Today, education has great importance. A person without education neither has the potential to do any work nor good thinking power. An educated person is more likely to complete his work successfully, leading to greater achievements in life. A society can experience a positive change when its people are educated. Moreover, the development of society depends on the number of educated people.

We can gain education formally and informally. Formally, individuals gain education by attending schools, colleges, and universities. Informally, they gain education at home or anywhere else.

Without education, a human is like an animal. They cannot distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong.

Education plays a significant role in addressing issues like hunger, disease, and poverty.

Education is very important because of the following points:

  • It develops critical thinking.
  • It teaches a person about different things.
  • It helps a person get a job.
  • It will stop cases of discrimination, illiteracy, etc.

In conclusion, the main aim of education is to keep people educated, distribute knowledge for their daily lives, and develop new skills.