
Student Corner


Written by: Aarya Chhetry - 24006, Grade XII

Posted on: 29 September, 2023


 My journey halts, as tingling displays ignite the mind,

Monkeys of unimaginable scale, in an inhumane spectrum confined.

From structures they emerge, only within shadows can they dwell,

Invisible constraints, shackles of nurture, society's complex spell.


Evolving from rational to emotional they hide, true selves unseen,

Playing roles assigned, in a reality fabricated, isn’t that evergreen?

Dissolving in a bowel with billions, each contesting for a different name,

In this vast unending grand masquerade, seeking fortune and fame.


Carving themselves or creatures inferior, worship to beings superior,

With dreams leashed onto devotion, currency of hope they beg for

Establishing laws of ethics and morale, brains of diversity served to you

How so, surviving on the same plane of imagination, who are you?


One begs with limbs a few, one with desires from yesterday’s new

Familiar cries and pleads, torn hands through which shame bleeds

Audacious pilgrims, for whom do they dare inquire?

Despised tramps, seeking support, a comedy of our desire.


Values inscribe on dried saps of wood, life's course it charts,

In desperate pursuit of paper, primal instincts play their parts.

Now hunting bills and coins, in our quest to survive,

Capitalism's arrows pierce, as a false bow we contrive.


Though I critique these monkeys, their mimicry so clear,

I cannot escape the truth that I, too, am one of them, I fear.