
Student Corner

A Day at Rastriya Falful Bikash Kendra

Written by: Sadagi Koirala - 31026, Grade V

Posted on: 28 September, 2023

I went on a field visit to Rastriya Falful Bikash Kendra on Ashar 6 with my friends and teachers. We had lunch earlier and then boarded the bus. The place we were visiting was located in Kirtipur, and it was quite a long journey. We chatted throughout the ride. When we arrived, all of my friends, including myself, realised that we had visited this place when we were in grade 1. Nevertheless, we took group photos, and there were also two dogs there. We were divided into two groups, each with its own guide. Our teachers handed out field visit forms.

During our visit, we saw different plants and learned about some new things. Our guide introduced us to each plant. We observed plants such as kiwi, pear, and a mixture of two fruits. Additionally, we saw a greenhouse, a screen house, and the place where they produced compost from earthworms. Learning was enjoyable, but it was a hot day too. . Thankfully, we had umbrellas.

Afterward, we took a rest and played at the park for a while, which was a lot of fun. Then it was time to bid farewell, and we boarded the bus once more. We were all tired, and I even managed to catch a short nap. We eventually reached the school. I had a great time and learned many new things.