
Student Corner

Who am I???

Written by: Nigam Ghimire - 24081, Grade XII

Posted on: 27 September, 2023

A son, a brother, a friend, or a student. What is my introduction? Who am I…….? No! We do not know ourselves. Then, “What is my capability?”  “What are my possibilities?” "In our quest for this question, we've devoted much of our lives imitating peaches, striving to set ourselves apart." Not us, we are making ourself like others.

"Janani Janmabhumischa Swargadapi Gariyasi"

“Our mothers and places of birth are higher than the heaven”

Everything may not go our way.

Wake up reality, Nothing goes as planned…


Everyone says!

We must never give up,

We have to work hard to achieve our goals,

There's nothing we can't do,

We have to do something in our life that we are made for,

We must fulfill our dreams.

Is this the true meaning of our life?

I don't think so.

We are going to die soon, so forgetting our past, enjoying our present, and not worrying about the future. “LIVE”

But is it reality?

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. But, today is gift, that’s why it is called PRESENT”.


My question

How can one person's opinion be written in seven billions?

Am I here to answer who I am? What…..?, Am I wrong??

But what if I'm right?

How can my existence change this world? What would have happened if I had not been born?

Nothing to the world.

Thousands of questions like this are going around in my mind?

I am worried about my future, but why? What will happen next?

I wish if I could see my future, and edit my past.


Another question

Am I here to continue my family’s existence? “Or am I here to support my nation?” Or what...?

People say, "Everything will work according to God's will".

Are they right?

Who is God? Is there such a thing as God?

Some say God is only a belief, others say "God is reality", and some claim to have seen God.

We all of us have been told that "God created us". But how to believe in such a thing which we haven’t seen?

"I have witnessed the miracle of a child being born from a mother's womb. Does this mean that God resides within the mother and brings us into existence? Or perhaps, is the mother a manifestation of God?"  

The question of the divine and the creation of life has been a topic of profound philosophical and theological discussion throughout human history.

Yes!! I find my God, my mother and my father, my parents are my God. The guide of my eyes, the guide of my life.

"I've found an answer to one of life's questions, yet countless more remain in my mind, questions I've been pondering for a long time, and I'll continue to seek their answers. I believe this such a mystery is the essence of life."

"I often find myself lost in thought, and I readily admit that I could be called ‘OVERTHINKER.'

“A person who thinks all the time, has nothing to think except a thought.”

Enjoy the journey of life and believe in ourselves that I am right. We have to let life go as it is.

I know myself, you are not like me!

You are not me!

We are different

Who are you then???