
Student Corner


Written by: Sakshyam Karna - 26013, Grade X

Posted on: 27 September, 2023

In friendship's realm we once did soar

A bond we cherished strong and pure

But words unspoken love unsought

In silence  lines of fate were drawn.


My heart it spoke in whispers low

Of feelings that I could not show

Yet in my haste I failed to see

The discomfort this caused to thee


In retrospect I now discern

The pain my silence seemed to churn

Competing spirits marred the fun

When all I sought was to be one


For that dear friend I take the blame

I know I'm not the same, the same

With lessons learned I strive to mend

In hopes that our paths may yet blend


So let this verse a pledge convey

To be a friend in a gentler way

With time and growth perhaps you'll find

A mended bond, a heart unbind.