
Student Corner

“The Horror”

Written by: Arshan Shrestha - 28012, Grade VIII

Posted on: 27 September, 2023

The horror is in the dark,

Where the shadows dance and the wind whispers.

It is in the silence,

Where the creaking of a door is a scream.

It is in the unknown,

Where the things that go bump in the night are real.

The horror is in the mind,

Where the fears take hold.

It is in the heart,

Where the nightmares come to life.

It is in the soul,

Where the darkness resides.

The horror is all around us,

Waiting to strike.

It is in the shadows,

The silence,

The unknown.

It is in our minds,

Our hearts,

Our souls.

The horror is real waiting for you.

And it is coming for you.