
Student Corner


Written by: Anya Poudel - 27002, Grade IX

Posted on: 22 September, 2023

Windy and scary night

The window is slammed, the movement is heard 

The girl is scared and and her fear is freezing her

She goes to hide, she goes to escape 

She sees a shadow which scares her a lot. 


The tree leave is moving and making a sound

There is silence everywhere and only footsteps can be heard

Slowly the door opens she hears a voice calling her 

She covered  herself with a blanket and she start to shiver.


She covers her mouth with her hand she scream 

The blanket was wet due to her tears 

She wanted run away from there 

She wanted to run away from the stormy and dark night. 


She controls herself she think of fighting with her fear 

But her fear stops her from coming from a dark

She was covered in darkness without any light 

She had no courage to fight with her fear.