
Student Corner

My Weekend

Written by: Sadagi Koirala - 31026, Grade V

Posted on: 22 September, 2023


On the 12th of August, it was a normal day, and it was the monsoon season. It had been raining for 3-4 days. I woke up, and as always, it was raining, and it was cold too. I had plans with my parents, but unfortunately, the rain disrupted us. I also could not follow my daily routine because of the rain. After that, I had a delicious breakfast. I watched TV. I had my lunch, and then my cousins arrived at my house. We played indoor games, watched TV, did some drawing, and 

enjoyed our time indoors. It was still raining, and the day passed by without doing much.


On the 13th of August, the rain had not stopped. It was still cold, although it had stopped raining. Early in the morning, my parents woke me up and took me hiking. Our destination was from Thali to Sundarijal. It took us 2 hours to reach there and 2 hours to return. It was not a long route, but we were tired. When we arrived, we went to a cow farm and had some breakfast. We also took some photos on the way back. It started raining again, but luckily we had umbrellas. When we got back home, we finally had lunch. We got ready and went to my Thulo Baba's house. I met my cousins, sister, and brother. My cousins took me for a lucky draw, and I did not win anything, but we bought ice cream. Later, we were invited to my maternal uncle's house, so we went there. Again, I played with my cousins and had a lot of fun. Then we went to my other maternal uncle's house and had a family dinner. I was very tired, so I got back home, brushed my teeth, and slept peacefully.

Hence, my weekend passed like that.