
Student Corner

Brain Drain the Biggest Problem of Nepal

Written by: Aashish Dahal - 27004, Grade IX

Posted on: 13 September, 2023

What is the most important source for a country to develop? Many might say, ‘money’ . But it is not so; the real answer is human resources. They are the most valuable resource a country could have. If there are people willing to work for the nation and invest money in the country, it will certainly develop. Nepal is a small country situated in between the heart of himalayas. Nepal is also one of the struggling countries due to the lack of human resources for the past two decades.
The world is developing very rapidly. A small developing country can barely keep up with that pace so many countries fail and Nepal is also on the timeline of failure. Nepal; a country with less population and being landlocked it is hard for the goods to import and export and the local business can not grow beyond these boundaries. Nepal's politics is changing faster than a chameleon changing its colour; it is very unpredictable.


Nepal lacks human resources, it has been facing many other problems for a very long time because of it. Very fertile lands have been deserted. A land that could sustain not only itself but also provide some to other nations as a help has been long left alone. The agricultural sector is not the only one which is getting affected by the lack of human resources, even sectors like education and healthcare have been affected by it. Many skilled human resources are needed to grow a country where the most needed ones are research and field workers.


Many skilled personnel have been taken to other countries from Nepal. Nepali not getting paid enough go to other countries or they think they could have a rather peaceful life in other countries. My uncle, who I would like to call Ram (name changed), went to Malta. He is a great craftsman. He used to make shoes very skillfully. He went to Malta as his labour did not pay his son’s tuition nor was it enough to sustain their lives. Now he earns 4 times the money he used to earn here in Nepal.


In order for a person to sustain themselves, a single income is not enough. Starting a business has a lot of risks, and there is no guarantee of the returns of the investment. The Nepal government should support people who are risking to start a business and help them grow. They should bring policy to help research and fund the ideas opening job opportunities for people and there should be a sustainable politics.


Now in order to stop skilled human resources who  directly contribute to the development of Nepal should get the required funding and support. We should create more job opportunities and help people sustain themselves, else there is no future in Nepal.