
Student Corner


Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade X

Posted on: 12 September, 2023

Until my soul finds peace.All the days I gave my time to you
All the nights I spent thinking about you
You didn’t even come to me 
When I was suffering without you.


Everyone runs after money
Everyone chases luxury 
But all I desire is a peaceful life 
All I want is to have a wonderful time.


You have turned our lives
To a path that leads to hell
A path where crime is normal
A path where  humanity is out of the ordinary.


I want to let go of this corrupt world
Where you make everyone greedy
Money, oh money,
When  will you come to me?


I wonder why life is so hard without you
I try my best but I really can’t get you
But I guess that’s what makes life what it is
An interesting and unpredictable journey .


And so I shall work
Until my pockets are satisfied
And  I shall break sweat,