
Student Corner

The Life Of An Aeroplane

Written by: Aameen Shakya - 30059, Grade VI

Posted on: 12 September, 2023

In the airport, the aeroplane is standing still.
The pilot and passenger are left to board still.
They boarded the aircraft, and engines lit
Taxing to the runway lights are lit.

Down goes the aeroplane on the runway strip.
A scared passenger holds the seat with a grip.
An aeroplane lifts itself off the ground.
To gain altitude, spin round and round.

Roaring through the sky, saying one last bye
Aeroplane is climbing high and high.
An aeroplane is flying up above the hills.
Passing through rivers and up above the mill.

Time passes by, and it's time to land.
Gear is now down, and sacred passengers hold their hands.
Aeroplanes go down and down and down the runway in front.
After a while, the plane touches down and finishes upfront.

Reversers go out and press full break.
The aeroplane stops with a little shake.
Aeroplane taxis to the gate
Passengers deboard and thank their fate.

This continues for years and years.
But one day, the plane retired.
The aeroplane served for years and years.
But dear aeroplane, it is now retired.