
Student Corner

Resources on Earth

Written by: Aaron Singh - 32035, Grade IV

Posted on: 08 September, 2023

Earth is the only planet with creatures living on it. It provides us with the resources for life. If we utilize the resources well, it will probably last longer. The resources like water, plants etc are renewable resources. Some resources like coal, fuel and gas are most likely to get finished. These are non-renewable resources. Some renewable resources are Hydropower, Wind power, Solar Power. It is a source of energy that generates power by using a dam or diversion structure to alter the natural flow of a river or other body of water. In this process, water gets recycled again and again to generate electricity.  

Windpower is the process of utilizing the flow of wind to generate Kinetic energy. In past times, wind was utilized to sail boats, use wind mills etc. These days, a new device called “Wind Turbine” has been developed. Electricity is generated through the force from the rotor blades, which work like an aeroplane wing or helicopter rotor blade. 

Solar Power is the process of converting Sun’s energy into electricity. We need solar panels, generators and convertors for the process. This can be used forever until the generator and converter expires. However, when used properly, the solar panel itself won’t expire for a long time. 

Non- renewable substances like coal, fuel and gas have been overused over the years. This can cause the scarcity of these resources. Hence, we should take care of the non- renewable resources and use them wisely.