
Student Corner

The World We Live In

Written by: Sajiya Tamang - 25065, Grade XI

Posted on: 07 September, 2023

Nobody knows why our world came into existence and why we exist. If there are questions about it, there is no answer. Our world exists, it simply does and we don't know why. There are no more questions about reality itself. We live our life and we pass away. Looking into this deeper reality, we feel that there is absurdism at all levels. Nothing is permanent in this world. If something lives then it dies too. There is an end to everything and nothing remains in this world forever. We are mortal beings and it cannot be questioned why because it is simply the rule of our world. 
We are born from our mother’s womb and we have got an opportunity to experience this world. Some believe that we are created by god whereas some don't believe in god. After we are brought into this world, we grow up with the time passing by. Some understand the value of life and cherish every moment in their lives whereas some try to end their lives early. But they are not to blame. People have their own reasons for ending their lives. In the world we live in, happiness is not permanent. Life is all about facing ups and downs, and building our confidence to be able to handle our problems by ourselves. It is not guaranteed anywhere by anyone that everything in this world is good for us, and all the people are good. Every person is different from one another. Some people are good and some are bad from the beginning. Some are good at the beginning, but become bad afterwards and vice versa. This also helps in proving that nothing is permanent here. 
There are good factors along with bad ones in this world. There is no place in the world where only good people live and only good things exist.  If there are good people and success, there are also those people who are jealous and selfish who want everything good for themselves and no one other. A child does not have knowledge about good and bad so he/she doesn't really know whether they are doing something good or bad. It is the elders responsibility to show them the right way. As a person ages with time he/she gets to know about the real world more and more. Then he/she will come to know about the reality of the world we live in.
Many people suffer here. Some of them are bold to face it while others choose to die. There are so many negative factors in this world which were developed by the people here. Some people are cruel, sinner and so evil that they get pleasure by hurting other people, and they never regret it. But some are as kind and warm as the angel. They get pleasure from helping other people. We face both kinds of people throughout our life and it is us who decide whether to choose the right path or the wrong in our life. 
Our life depends on our own choices and judgements. Living in this world is hard but getting the best version of ourselves is even harder and more challenging. Therefore we should consider our decisions carefully and survive enjoying the best times of this world.