
Student Corner

The Butterfly Effect: Greening Planet through Minor Actions

Written by: Muskan Singh - 24023, Grade XII

Posted on: 04 September, 2023

Butterfly effect refers to small changes having a bigger impact in the complex system of nature. It’s like a small event but can have a big ripple effect. In this context, whatever we do for the environment has its own impact. If we try to do such actions which can bring positive changes, surely there will be impactful contributions. This concept had been introduced around 1890 but got popular very late around 1961, and was referred to as a model used for weather prediction. The meteorologist, Edward Lornez found out that just a fluttering of butterfly wings, which is a small change in the air molecules, can bring different weather conditions on the planet. 

Human activities have negative as well as positive effects on the environment. But for a few years whatever we have been doing has polluted the ocean, chemically transformed the soil, emitted pollutants in the air and also soared deforestation. The most critical issue is biodiversity. Many species had been extinct which had a domino effect, i.e. imbalance in the biodiversity. This is more important than global warming as it has long term effects on humans and all the other species as a whole. Even the unrelated species like the Mexican long nosed bat disappearance will not only impact its habitat but others too. So, it's high time we be careful of our actions. The interconnectedness of the butterflies, flora and fauna is really delicate and has a great impact on the environment. 

There are problems but there are also solutions to such problems. As we face the challenges of the that’s the butterfly effect, we find the solutions by the same. It is an idea, a solution which can help us to grace ourselves successfully out of these issues. Nothing is impossible, and if everyone gets along together, we will surely be able to tackle it. The things in the world around us are interconnected to each other, and even small actions can trigger a diverse impact. So, whatever we do comes back to us in some way. The sixth mass extinction event have been held and it seems to be a greater one as a Harvard’s biologist, Edward O. Willson stated that half of the animals and plant species might not be there by 2100 due to our actions. There is a positive power to this which is discussed above. 

In conclusion the essence of this article is to let the readers know the interconnectedness between the choices we have, the environment we live in, and the balance of nature and biodiversity as a whole which can be stated in a quote, “If Nothing ever changed, there would be no butterfly”. So simply change means butterfly effect and it doesn't matter how seemingly insignificant an act might look but it will certainly change something. This belief will help all of us to get rid of such big issues which seem to have no solution but it does.