
Student Corner

Acceptance is Key

Written by: Anmol Dangol - 26015, Grade X

Posted on: 04 September, 2023

A long time ago in the busy city of Brookville, there lived a young boy named James. He was known for his infectious laughter and caring nature. However, James had one quality that made him stand out from others, he had an artificial leg. It was a constant reminder of the accident he had survived as a child.


Despite his vibrant spirit, James often felt self-conscious about his artificial leg. He would often hide it beneath baggy pants. The fear of being judged and rejected consumed him, making it difficult for him to fully accept himself.  One sunny day, as James was walking through the park, he noticed a group of children playing soccer. Their laughter attracted him and he could not help but feel a thing of longing to be a part of the activity. However, his fear of rejection held him back and he had to walk away, his heart heavy with sadness.


Little did James know there was someone watching him from afar. Her name was Lily, a compassionate and empathetic girl who had observed James's inner struggle. Lily decided to take matters into her own hands. She approached James with a warm smile and said, “Hi, my name is Lily. I couldn’t help but notice your admiration for the game. Would you like to join us?”


James’ heart skipped a beat and a mix of excitement and anxiety filled him. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of how he would be received. But then he took a deep breath and decided to embrace the opportunity. With a smile on his face, he replied, “I would love to come play with you.” As James joined the group of children, he realized something. They didn’t see his prosthetic leg as a limitation, they saw him as James. A spirited and talented individual. Their acceptance and inclusivity overwhelmed James with a sense of belonging he had never experienced before.


Over time, after the incident James' confidence grew, and he no longer felt the need to hide his prosthetic leg. He embraced it as a part of his identity, a symbol of his resilience. The love and respect he received from his newfound friends made him realize that acceptance was the first step towards love and respect. After some years, James became an inspiration to many. He used his experiences to advocate for inclusivity and acceptance in society. His story touched the hearts of many people, reminding them of the importance of embracing differences and celebrating uniqueness.


James’s story is a reminder for us that accepting oneself and others is the key to unlocking a world filled with love, respect and boundless possibilities.