
Student Corner

A Day at Kirtipur

Written by: Bimarsh Raj Ghimire - 30064, Grade VI

Posted on: 28 August, 2023

Last month, we had a field visit to Kirtipur. We had lunch early and then headed to the classroom to gather our belongings. Before leaving, we grabbed our clipboards and received a trip sheet. The bus ride to the destination took around 40 minutes. We enjoyed the view a lot during the journey. After disembarking from the bus, we all lined up in four rows, and then we were given a short break to use the restroom. After the break, we entered the museum.
Inside the museum, we encountered various machines and inventions. Initially, we observed a machine that blew air at high force and velocity. When we placed a ball above it, the ball floated in the air.
Next, we witnessed an illusion where mirrors were placed around a table to reflect the surroundings and create a blending effect. Behind the table was a small, square-shaped gap where a person could stand and stick their head out. When they did so, it created the illusion that their body had disappeared, leaving only their head visible.
In addition, we observed a showcase of different gears, pulleys, and other mechanisms. When we manipulated the gears, the sphere-shaped objects at the top responded by moving.
Similar to the first three exhibits, we explored many more inventions, such as the human conductor, an upside-down mirror, a bicycle that could generate electricity when pedalled, a volt machine capable of generating electricity through wire by simply pushing a button, and another illusion contraption that made a light bulb appear dim while emitting a significant amount of light somehow. Lastly, we observed sculptures depicting the evolution from apes to humans.
Overall, it was an excellent trip that both entertained us and introduced us to many new formulas and methods. Lastly, I hope that our next field visit takes us to another intriguing place like Kirtipur.