
Student Corner

Struggling With Comfort

Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade IX

Posted on: 25 August, 2023

A struggling comfort can be found in different ways. Each and every person in this world has a reminder of relief with a certain place, memory, activity or more. This strong feeling of comfort is vastly powerful. So powerful you never want to let go of that feeling. It will turn into an addiction. As much as you try or as much as other people help, you will be stuck there because you know deep down as much as this may lower yourself down, you have never felt this much comfort in anything.


Feeling comfortable, being alone is a struggle many face. Knowing deep down the more you rest alone, the more you distance yourself from the world, the more depressed you become, you can’t let go. Why? Because This has been the only concept which has made you feel like you’re comforted and protected. But are you really? You are lowering yourself, and you know it. But as much as you know this is bringing you down by a lot, you will find struggle getting over this comfort.


Social media is a comfort most people of this generation feel. And why is that? Social media shares their story or struggle all over the internet, indicating they are not the only one facing such problems. Social media lets you disregard reality. Making you forget all your problems in the real world. You will live in a fantasy. You will believe you are happy and comforted in this world. But the other side of your brain believes not. Ignoring this fact, you will struggle dealing with this comfort as well. As much as you know you are doing no good with this, you will never let go.


Now talking about comfort found in certain memories. How much amusement and happiness did you get from this memory? It was the best moment of your life. How much joy was found within me? But it's all gone now. And it’s the only thing you can remember. As much as you want to let go of this past you cannot, because you felt a huge amount of joy, so much seeing yourself live without will make you sorrowful and you do not want to feel like that again. So now you are living in memories tearing yourself down. You will feel like a burden but you do not want to admit it so you live in this recollection of the past you felt such joy in. As much as you want to believe you are happy remembering this amusing past you had, you know you are hurting yourself dearly but this comfort will stay within you.


Comfort of service is found within many people too. Helping out a certain someone with their problems, assisting them, Servicing them, you feel a strange comfort in this. Pleasing people can be demanding as well as burdensome. Assisting them with their problems and requirements, but who is there to assist yours. Realizing No one will give you the same action you did to them, you can feel a bit let down. But you feel such sympathy and joy doing so. You feel as if maybe in the future they will support you back. So you keep helping people, assisting them, then waiting and waiting and waiting. And yet there is nothing in return. But you won’t give up, helping everyone, forgetting your problems.


Comfort like this is found in many places. Yet there is nothing to do. You already feel comforted, you can’t go back now.