
Student Corner

Blue Eyes

Written by: Shreevani Dhungel - 29044, Grade VII

Posted on: 25 August, 2023

Oh, that beautiful sight
Of the clouds, of the sky, of the lilies 
Of the fountains, of the little stars
Of the nature, especially those blue diamond eyes


Those blue diamond eyes that pierced through my sole
That pigment of green which I love and that mole
That glowing face reflected by the light
I will never forget the sight


It's too bright to even look at
The flower like personality 
The spitting image of the stars
Who could it be that I met from afar?


Is it from an alternate world? 
Is it from royalty?
Those eyes remind me of someone
Someone from my memories


Those blue diamond eyes, once you look at them,
It pierced through your sole
Through your heart, through your scars
Who or What is it that is healing me?


Healing my pain healing my scars
Making me look at stars
Why does it feel so peculiar?
What has made me feel familiar?