
Student Corner


Written by: Sakshyam Karna - 26013, Grade X

Posted on: 22 August, 2023

In the vast expanse of Grand City, a young high school student named Ethan found himself engulfed in the chaos of his own expectations. He was consumed by a relentless pursuit of perfection, believing that love and acceptance could only be earned through achievements and conformity.


He previously used to be an empathetic person, one that befriended everyone and cared too much. He got more and more happiness through interactions with others. The relations he had made became a constant reminder of the unconditional love and acceptance he sought. But when he saw that people valued those who had something to offer more than they valued him even though he would do everything he could for his friends. He realized that what he could do was not enough. So he slowly tried to get better at new things to gain affection from others and at the start it seemed to be working. He was being appreciated more and gained more affection by others.


Because of this Ethan's relentless pursuit of perfection continued to cloud his judgment. But slowly he started neglecting those who were close to him and those he held dear, focusing solely on his own ambitions to be the perfect being admired by everyone. His obsession with perfection and success blinded him to the importance of human connection and the value of genuine acceptance.


As the months passed, Ethan's neglect had unintended consequences. His friendships grew distant, and he found himself alone, slowly everyone was leaving him and in the end he was alone with no one by his side. The realization of his mistakes hit him like a tidal wave, and he was overwhelmed by regret and a deep sense of loss.


In his solitude, Ethan turned to his neglected passion for painting. He poured his heart and soul onto the canvas, using each brushstroke to express his pain and longing for the connections he had forsaken. Through his artwork, he began to understand the importance of self-acceptance and the significance of accepting others. But the consequences of his actions couldn't be undone. As Ethan desperately sought to repair his fractured relationships, he discovered that some bridges had been irreparably burned. The friends he had neglected had moved on, hurt and scarred by his actions.


In the face of his losses, Ethan learned the true value of acceptance. It wasn't a prize to be won through achievements or a commodity to be bartered. Acceptance began with self-reflection, acknowledging one's flaws and shortcomings. It required humility, forgiveness, and the courage to mend broken bonds. Through the pain of his mistakes, Ethan understood that acceptance wasn't just about being loved and respected, it was about extending love and respect to others, even when they had been hurt. It was about learning from one's failures and striving to be better, even if the wounds of the past couldn't be fully healed.


As he walked the city streets alone, Ethan became an observer of life. He witnessed the interconnectedness of humanity, the struggles and triumphs of individuals battling their own demons. He offered a sympathetic smile to those he encountered, a silent acknowledgment that they, too, carried burdens and sought acceptance. Though Ethan couldn't rewrite his past, he used the lessons he had learned to advocate for acceptance within his community. He joined volunteer organizations, supporting those who had experienced loss or felt forgotten. In each act of kindness, he found solace and a small glimmer of redemption.


The story of Ethan and Shadow serves as a cautionary tale, a reminder that acceptance cannot be forced or bought. It is earned through compassion, understanding, and genuine connection. Through loss and mistakes, Ethan discovered the fragility of human relationships and the necessity of acceptance. And while his journey didn't end in happiness, it concluded with a bittersweet wisdom that acceptance is a journey filled with both joy and heartache, but it is ultimately a path worth treading.