
Student Corner

The Great Detective

Written by: Samip Aryal - 25007, Grade XI

Posted on: 21 August, 2023

In the time of the early 19th century, London was a prosperous city. It had huge buildings and a lot of people. This is a story about a Great Detective. His name is Tom Jones. I was a sidekick to him. We had solved a lot of mystery cases together. We had known each other for the last four years. Sir Tom could solve any case in a very short  period of time.


It was a cold windy day. Christmas was just around the corner. The snow had covered the streets and roof of houses. I was going  pass a crowd of people. I was trying to buy some vegetables for supper. I lived alone and wanted to eat some vegetable soup. While I was going to buy some vegetables I heard a scream. It was from an old lady. She was shouting, “HELP! HELP! A thief  has stolen my bag”. No one was trying to help that poor lady. I saw a  tall man wearing a black jacket and was crying over a womens bag. He pushed me and ran as fast as he could. I tried to run after the thief but my legs froze. I couldn’t run in that situation.


Then I saw a man wearing a white shirt with black pants and a black coat. He had a mustache which was black. He was running after the thief. I then with all of my strength ran after the black suit wearing man. In an instant the man pinned the thief to the ground. He picked the bag and tossed it to me and said,” Give this bag to its owner”. After saying that he carried the thief and took him in his car. While he was doing that the old lady catched up behind us and I gave her  bag back . She looked delighted and thanked me.


I then ran towards that mysterious man and said, “can I join you?”. He looked surprised  and said, “why? What is the point of you coming with me”.  I then had no answer to that but after some thinking I said, “ I want to be  like you so can you please let me follow you?”. The mysterious man said,”fine get in the car”. I then got in the car and we drove to a huge building.  While we were in the building I asked for his name and he said my code name is,” Raven”. This was the first time I met Tom. We then went inside the building and we went to a room where Raven interrogated the thief.


I don’t remember the exact word the thief said but the things that I remember are that his parents died due to an assassin and his brother went missing that same day so he started stealing for survival. Then the raven said do you know the one who killed your parents? . the thief replied with a no. At the end of the conversation we decided to help the thief by finding the person who killed his parents.


The thief’s name was Jack and he was 16 years of age at that time. Me, Raven and Jack went to Jack’s house. Jack's parents were murdered a couple of days ago. Raven searched Jack’s house for clues about the murderer. We didn’t find any clue on that day. We returned empty handed. The assassin was a very clever one. Raven didn’t give up and we started searching for clues. In that time I got to know Raven a lot better. We solved a lot of cases together. We had stayed together for more than 3 years now. Still we couldn’t solve the mystery of  Jack’s parents murder. I was certain that we couldn’t solve this case but Raven didn’t give up. In between the time we knew each other we had heard of many mysterious murders like the one of Jack’s parents. In the end Raven had concluded that  the  murders had happened from the same person. After some time it was about to be 4 years of me and Raven’s first meet.


we finally had pinpointed the location of the murderer. Me , Raven and Jack rushed to the car and went to the location. It was a dark alley and in front of us  there was a massive tent. We entered the ten and it was pitch black. We couldn't see anything.  All of a sudden  the tent had become bright then we saw a man who was wearing a purple hat and a purple suit.


He then said,” Welcome, Welcome Raven this is my home”. Raven replied, “aren’t you the one who murdered Jack’s parents?” The man then laughed and said ,” I have killed a lot of people. I don't remember  all the people I have killed”. Hearing this Raven was furious and he rushed towards the man. They clashed their weapons. The man then ran toward the  Blimp . Raven, Me and Jack ran behind him. After that the blimp took off. Raven and the man  were clashing with each other. All of a sudden Raven was puking blood.  A knife had stabbed Raven’s stomach. The one who stabbed Raven was Jack.


Raven was surprised that Jack had stabbed him. With his last inch of energy he threw Jack away and rushed towards the man and stabbed his cane. He had stabbed the man in his heart. At that moment the man was lying dead. I couldn’t move an inch in that instant. After that Raven walked towards Jack but he fell over. I rushed towards him. Then slowly with a low voice said, “ Thank you  Smith for following me, I am truly grateful. Now you are the one who will take over Tom Jones's Legacy”.


I was surprised that a great detective like him told me his real name. I was full of tears after seeing him lying there full of blood. Jack then stood up and he said,'' Raven you devil you killed my brother now i shall kill you all”. After saying that  a timer had started to tick. Raven with the last energy he had he pushed me off the blimp. Then I saw the blimp explode. I had fallen to the sea.


Thankfully I was rescued by some fisherman. After seeing my poor state they rushed me to the hospital. After I woke up I couldn’t believe what had happened. I stayed in that hospital for a week. After that I researched a bit and learned that the man's name was Jane. Jane and Jack were brothers and Jane had murdered their strict parents who didn’t let them go outside. I also learned about Tom Jones' past. He  was born in a  poor family. He lost his father at a young age and his mother couldn’t raise him so she left him at the orphanage. He was raised there. He made a lot of friends there. When he was 13 years old a detective walked in the orphanage and he was looking for a child. He then picked up Tom and he trained him to be a strong detective. That is the story of the great detective. His death  affected me to become a strong man. I am very inspired by him and I wished he was still with me.