
Student Corner

Computer Architecture

Written by: Bikash Chaudhary - 24061, Grade XII

Posted on: 18 August, 2023

Computer architecture is the foundation of current digital technology. It provides a structural blueprint outlining how hardware and software components interact to form a working computing system. This article delves into the realms of computer architecture, shedding light on the fundamental features of this critical topic.


Computer Architecture Fundamentals
Computer architecture is a broad field concerned with the design and structure of computing systems. In its most basic form, it describes how to best arrange the main pieces of a computer system, which include the processor, memory, and input/output (I/O) interfaces, so that they all work together to process data efficiently.
Computer architecture is divided into three major categories: System Design, Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), and Microarchitecture.
System design includes the hardware components of a computer system such as memory, I/O devices, and CPUs. It entails designing the system layout and determining how the components communicate and interact with one another.
Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): ISA acts as a link between a computer's software and hardware components. A processor interprets and executes a set of commands and binary code. These orders, also known as instructions, can range from simple operations like arithmetic calculations to complicated jobs.
Microarchitecture: Also known as computer organization, it entails integrating the ISA into a physical hardware system. Microarchitecture considerations affect performance, power efficiency, and cost, such as the size of cache memory or the complexity of the processor pipeline.


Von Neumann's Architecture
The Von Neumann Architecture, presented by John Von Neumann in the mid-1940s, was a watershed moment in computer architecture. It is a design model for a stored-program digital computer that holds both instructions and data in a single independent storage structure.
The computer is divided into two components by this architecture: the Central Processing Unit (CPU), which includes the control unit, arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), and registers, and the memory, which stores data and instructions. The bus, which transports data between components, connects the CPU and memory.


Cambridge Architecture
The Cambridge Architecture has physically distinct storage and signal routes for instructions and data, in contrast to the Von Neumann architecture. In particular in signal processing and embedded systems, this structure enables the system to fetch data and instructions simultaneously, resulting in improved speed and efficiency.
Architectures for RISC and CISC
Different design ideas for processor instruction sets are reflected in the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) and CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing) architectures.
By using straightforward instructions that may be completed in a single clock cycle, RISC architecture makes the processor simpler. By processing more instructions in less time, this design quickens the processor.


Computer Architecture's Effect
Numerous aspects of computers are substantially influenced by the field of computer architecture. It has an immediate effect on the system's operation, price, energy use, and overall performance. A system's ability to run software and make use of hardware efficiently depends on decisions made at the architecture level. As a result, improvements in computer design open the door for the development of computing systems that are more potent, effective, and intelligent.


The foundation of the digital age is computer architecture, to sum up. It makes modern computing a reality by fusing the conceptually abstract ideas of information processing with the tangible physical designs. The field of computer architecture has evolved from the fundamental Von Neumann model to the more intricate RISC and CISC designs, influencing the direction of technology as we know it today.