
Student Corner

Human Resources Reform for Prosperous Nepal

Written by: Yalam Dev Pradhan - 28014, Grade VIII

Posted on: 18 August, 2023

The professionals who manage employees and employee-related activities are human resources managers. Human resource is also known as HR."Personnel administration" was the previous name for human resource management. The hiring, appraising, and compensating of employees were the main areas of personnel management in the 1920s. Neither the systematic relationships inside any parties nor any employment relationships at a level of organisational performance were given any attention. As a result, the discipline at this time lacked a unifying paradigm. The planned ways of developing and assisting people and providing a positive work environment is known as human resource management. Although its duties vary across various organisations and industries, they often include hiring, paying and providing benefits, providing training and development, and managing employee relations. To achieve a prosperous Nepal, human resources reform is essential to harness the country's human potential and drive sustainable economic and social development. Here are some key areas of focus for human resources reform:

1. Enhance the educational system to guarantee that it is of high quality and accessible to all Nepalese citizens. Modernising the curriculum, encouraging technical and vocational education, and enhancing teacher preparation should be the main priorities. Collaboration with the private sector can aid in matching educational options with labour market requirements.
2. Promoting gender equality and giving women and young people more power through deliberate policies and activities. This involves fostering young people's entrepreneurship and creativity as well as advancing female education and workforce involvement.
3. Reforms to the employment and labour markets should be made in order to facilitate the creation of jobs by streamlining labour regulations, lowering business red tape, and offering financial incentives to the private sector so that it will invest and grow. This will lead to more employment options and lower unemployment rates.
4. Social Safety Nets: Put social safety net initiatives into place to protect marginalised and at-risk groups. Unemployment compensation, pensions for the elderly, and special aid for low-income families may be included.
5. Engaging the Nepalese Diaspora and Skill Migration: Use the knowledge and resources of the Nepalese diaspora to propel development initiatives in Nepal. Promote sensible migration by providing programs for skill development and assisting relocating immigrants with reintegrating into the local labour market.
6. Well-being and healthcare: Put health and wellbeing first by making investments in medical infrastructure, enhancing patient access to care, and promoting active lifestyles. A healthy workforce increases productivity and supports the expansion of the economy as a whole.

All parties including government agencies, businesses, nonprofits, civil society groups, and the general public, should actively participate in the coordinating and long-lasting implementation of these reforms. Nepal can unleash its potential for growth and prosperity by investing in human capital.

HRM Global Perspective