
Student Corner

I Hate The Colour Yellow

Written by: Gaurab K.C - 25006, Grade XI

Posted on: 17 August, 2023

Just an opinion
hear me out.
The colour yellow is disgusting
I say without doubt.


When they see the colour yellow,
They imagine daffodils and the sun.
But it makes me think of urine and jaundice
That's sadly fun!


The colour yellow burns my retinas,
‘Cause it's too bright.
It makes me beat people with jaundice in a fight.


Why a colour as such exist?
So disgusting, so vile?
‘Cause I feel everyone makes mistakes,
Even God, for this despite his might.


So that is my rant 
About why the colour yellow sucks.
You try to convince me otherwise
If you want to achieve nothing from dawn till dusk.