
Student Corner

The Journey of Self-Acceptance

Written by: Roji Gurung - 26007, Grade X

Posted on: 16 August, 2023

Meyo, an 18 year old, was late for university. She wore her clothes in the rush and went out of the house at the speed of light. “Be careful! You might fall”, shouted her mom, Jane. Meyo hurriedly took out her car from the garage and rushed off. On her way she picked up her bestest friend Lily. “Why are you always late, Meyo? Please hurry we only have 10 minutes!,” said Lily who seemed to be angry. Meyo was an introvert with a lot of insecurities hidden inside her. Though Lily and Meyo seemed close Lily has always been secretly jealous of her. Upon reaching the university Lily slammed the car’s door and ran towards the class leaving Meyo alone all again. It had become a habit of Lily to behave like that. Though Meyo is angry and tired of Lily she does not say anything to her and lets her be because she does not want to end their friendship, she feared being alone.  


Meyo was a shy and introverted teenager who struggled with insecurities. She always thought shy would not fit in the beauty standard and compared herself with others. When Meyo was 10 years old she did not even speak a word. She was always silent in class. One day the teacher divided all the glass into groups for a project. That's when she met Lily for the first time. Lily and Meyo started becoming really good friends after that. She would always walk, talk, eat and do everything with Lily who was outgoing, confident and was quite popular among the classmates. As they grew up Lily started acting rude and was really toxic to Meyo. But as mentioned, Meyo did not care about that. She was too desperate to have a friend.


Prom was coming soon. Everyone in the uni was excited however, Lily was excited the most. She always discouraged her Meyo from going. But this year Meyo decided to go. Lily was always busy shopping for prom and hanging out with the others leaving Meyo. Just before the prom Meyo accidentally bumped into a newly transferred girl and they exchanged pleasantries and they instantly clicked. Both Lilly and Emy were shocked how similar they both were and became friends in an instant. Meyo told Emy about her relationship with Lily and prom. So, Emy decided to help her. During prom night, Lily entered the hall in an amazing dress and had everyone’s attention. She smiled trying to act coy but in her mind she was feeling like there was no other like her. Suddenly, all eyes were diverted from her, she too turned to see who it was and it was Meyo. Everybody’s jaws dropped upon seeing her including Lilly’s. Lilly could not contain her jealousy and began spreading rumors about Meyo. But Meyo had enough of it. She confronted Lilly in front of the whole crowd. She confidently spoke about how insecure Lily made her feel despite being close for years. The whole crowd booed Lily and she ran away, in tears. Everybody applauded Meyo and she felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Lilly never made herself seen. Meyo and Emy’s friendship really bloomed. Emy helped her in building her confidence and Meyo started loving, prioritizing herself. Slowly she started talking and hanging out with her classmates. As time passed, Meyo's friendship with Emy grew stronger. Emy was the kind of friend Meyo had always longed for, someone who uplifted her, supported her, and encouraged her to be her best self. With Emy's help, Meyo continued to step out of her comfort zone, making new friends, and participating in various activities at university. She also finally accepted her as who she was.