
Student Corner

Impacts of Video Games in Students

Written by: Anuj Puri - 24065, Grade XII

Posted on: 14 August, 2023

Nowadays, many students are attracted to video games. Video games have become very popular among children. Video games are played electronically on monitors like laptops, computers, mobile phones, and other digital displays. These days video games are easily available online or offline. Everyone has internet access at their homes. Similarly, we can also see that most of the students have got their own laptops and mobile phones. However, none of them seem to have realized that video games have badly affected the daily activities of students. Video games not only affect the daily activities of students but it also affects their studies, health conditions and their mentality.
Video games have mainly affected the study habits of the students. Students are so much attracted and crazy to video games that they don't focus on their studies. They are completely addicted to such games. The students who used to get good marks in the past, are getting bad marks now due to video games. They don't study much and don't do their assignments on time. They spend many hours playing video games at night. As a result, they may feel sleepy in class and cannot pay attention to their course. The concentration of students is getting lower and lower due to video games. Additionally, they don't obey their parents, teachers and elders. They are losing interest and focus on their studies. Students are not playing physical games rather than playing video games. This is how video games are affecting students' studies. 
Video games have also affected students’ health as they don’t eat in time, and they don't sleep in time. They are so much addicted to video games that they are mentally disturbed and depressed. When they are addicted to video games, they become very aggressive and they may quarrel with their parents and teachers. Not only that, we also hear news about suicide due to gaming mindset. We hear news about students’ crimes among their friends and family playing games like PUBG, and Free Fire. Students are also attracted to stealing their parents' money for video games.
Another serious problem is that many students are getting eye problems when they watch and play video games at a close distance to their sights. The fixed sight to their screen has made their eyesight poor to look at the objects at a distance. Due to which they are wearing thick glasses at a young age after spending a lot of time playing video games. Moreover, it also affects students' physical health. They don't get out of their homes and don’t go jogging or hiking. Allocating less time for exercises can result in obesity or being overweight which brings many other health problems. This is how video games affect students' lives.
They are also being socially isolated as they spend time playing video games. They don't have time to talk to their parents, friends, relatives, and their neighbors. Students are focusing on games rather than their family members. This has made them really unsocial and incapable of communicating in the real world. Such lack of communication does not make them good leaders in their fields no matter which profession they choose.
Some people say that such virtual games also have some advantages. Some gamers have also earned some money playing online games. Some others claim that such games make their minds work faster and smarter. It also increases the thinking capacity of students. But they do not realize that it has made them less imaginative and less creative. Students are so addicted to video games that they don't get involved in other activities. So, Video games have mainly negative impacts on student life.
Nowadays, young kids just want to be alone while playing video games. This issue is more severe for male kids than females. That could be the reason why males are less communicative and less practical. They become aggressive so fast when someone tells them to quit or exit the game. They don't take part in physical games and extra activities. They are so busy playing games that they don't know what is happening around them.