
Student Corner

The Two Kids

Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade X

Posted on: 14 August, 2023

Among the villages Azrail destroyed, there was a peculiar one. This one was different from the other villages as in this village, Azrail killed the parents of two kids but the kids were unharmed. The older kid was 4 years old and the younger one was 2 years old.


The peculiar thing about him leaving these children was that he let them live even though he was attacked by them. And Azrail, unlike many, was a very short tempered man. A man who would kill someone if they even spoke a word against him. And these children who had attacked him were spared. Everyone wondered why. The question is unanswered even to the present.


The two boys stayed at their god father’s house which was an old building where the paint was about to come off.


“Happy birthday Peter! What do you want for your present?”, asked William.


“Thanks William, but I intend to go to school, and that would be a great present for me if you would approve of it.” said Peter.


“Well of course I approve of it, but on one condition. You have to make friends that help you through your good and bad times and you help them too. . Do not go around making friends with a bad influence on you.”, replied William


“Thank you William, this will be the best birthday present I’ve ever had,” said Peter with a big smile on his face.


William saw a faint glow in Peter’s eyes every time he got to know something about magic. He was a curious wizard. Andrew on the other hand was still too young to get into the wizarding school. To get admitted into the wizarding school, one must be of at least five years of age. Andrew was only four, so he had to wait for another year to pass until he got into the school. William and Andrew went to the school to drop Peter off after admitting him and Peter left with no hesitation whatsoever. Even though it was the first day of school for him he seemed to be happier than William had ever seen him. He had a big smile while walking away.


As Peter walked into the corridors of the school, he met a teacher who led him to the dormitories where he left his belongings and went out to explore the school. He made a friend while exploring the school. The school was very big and took Peter a long time to explore and remember. Peter was an optimist who was always happy about things.


“Welcome to the school. As of today, you will be studying in one of the finest magic schools in the realm. But as the headmaster of the school, I must warn you that there are certain rules that one must follow in order to be safe inside the school and some disciplinary actions to make you accustomed to our rituals. ” said Olivandar.


“Headmaster, you forgot to introduce yourself.”, whispered the headmaster’s assistant.


“Thank you for the reminder Lia”
“I am Lupin Olivandar. Your headmaster in this school. And as you can see I’m quite old but not to worry, I am fully capable of handling the title of the headmaster with the remaining strength in my body.” - said the headmaster in a funky way.


“I wish you all the best for your studies and without further ado, let's start eating” said Olivandar and sat down on his chair and began to talk with other staff members.


Some believed that Olivandar was sent to earth by God himself while others believed that he was a dark wizard secretly helping Azrail in his journey to absolute power.