
Student Corner

New Media

Written by: Suprabh Acharya - 2026022, Grade VI

Posted on: 25 August, 2020

New media are forms of media that are natural to computers, calculation and depend on computers for redistribution. Some examples of new media are telephones, computers, online games, and more. New media are often contrasted to “old media” such as television, radio, and print media. New media does not include television programs, feature films, books; unless they contain technologies that enable digital generation or an interactive process. 

Wikipedia, an online learning web or encyclopedia, is a good example of New media combining the Internet. Facebook is another type of New media, belonging to the category of social media model, in which most users are involved. Another example is Twitter which is the social media category, through which users communicate with other people and also for information. 

In the 1950s connections between computing and radical art began to grow stronger. It was not until the 1980’s that Alan Kay and his workers at Xerox PARC began to give the calculation of PCs to the leader. Although causally unrelated, conceptually it makes sense that the cold war and the design of the web took place exactly at the same time. Writers and philosophers such as Marshall MC Luhan were instrumental in the development of media theory during this period - his now-famous declaration in understanding media. The extensions of man that “the medium is the message” drew attention to the too often ignored influence media themselves, rather than their “content”, have on humans experience of the world and on society broadly. Until the 1980’s media relied primarily upon print along with broadcast models such as those of television and radio. The last twenty-five years have seen website games and more.