
Student Corner

Lily’s Guitar

Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade X

Posted on: 08 August, 2023

Once upon a time, in a small town called Harmonyville, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was in eighth grade at Harmonyville High School, she loved to play the guitar and write music. She has a kind heart and always tried to make friends with everyone she met.


One sunny day, a new family moved to Harmonyville. They were from another country, and their daughter, Aisha, would be in the same class as Lily. Aisha has a different skin color and wore clothes unfamiliar to most students. However, Lily did not pay much attention to these differences. She believed that everyone should be treated with kindness and respect, no matter where they come from.


On the first day of school, Aisha nervously entered the classroom. The other students looked at her and whispered among themselves. Lily noticed how uncomfortable Aisha looked so she smiled warmly and invited her to sit next to her. Aisha smiled back, grateful for the friendly gesture.


As the days passed, Lily and Aisha became good friends. They spent time together, sharing stories about their lives and dreams. Lily learned about Aisha's rich cultural heritage and Aisha taught Lily some words in her native language. They realize that despite their differences, they had a lot in common.


However, not everyone at the school shared Lily's tolerant nature. Some students continued to judge and tease Aisha for the difference. Lily felt sad and angry when she saw her friend being treated unfairly. She knew she had to do something to change things. Lily decides to hold a "Culture Day" at school. She wanted people to appreciate the beauty of diversity and understand that acceptance was the key to love and respect. She spoke with the school's principal, who loved the idea and supported her initiative.


Lily and Aisha worked together to plan the event. They invited students, teachers, and parents to participate. They asked people to wear traditional clothes from different cultures and bring traditional dishes to share. On the day of the event, the school was filled with vibrant colors, laughter and delicious fragrant. The students were dressed in colorful clothes from many different countries and the hallways echoed with laughter and excitement. Lily and Aisha are happy to see the positive response from their classmates.


During the event, students and teachers explored different cultures through music, dance, and art exhibitions. They sampled exotic foods and engaged in fun activities representing different traditions. Lily's message of acceptance spread throughout the school and people began to appreciate diversity and respect each other's differences.


Since that day, Harmonyville High School has been a place of love and respect. Students embrace the idea that acceptance is the first step to love and respect, whether for oneself or for others. They realized that when they accept others for who they are, they discover the beauty of diversity. Lily and Aisha's friendship blossomed even further and they became a symbol of unity and understanding in their school. Their stories have inspired others to be kind and tolerant, and the town of Harmonyville is known for its spirit of inclusion and inclusion.


And so the moral of the story is that, “Acceptance is the first step to love and respect, whether it's accepting yourself or accepting others. When we open our hearts and minds to diversity, we create a world where everyone can feel loved, respected and appreciated, just like in Harmonyville.”