
Student Corner

Meeting my Cousins for the first time

Written by: Aiden Man Nhuchhe Pradhan - 32028, Grade IV

Posted on: 08 August, 2023

I had been having face time with my cousins since my childhood. But, recently, they came to Nepal from abroad and I got a chance to meet them in person. We used to have fun times together. We watched TV shows, played UNO cards and had a lot of chats. 

My cousins also had their ‘Ihi’ done. Ihi is a ceremony in the Newari community. It has a religious belief behind it getting done. Since it was really smoky during the puja, I wore a helmet to save myself to which my mother reacted surprisingly and called me a smart kid. I could also see a smirk on some faces. Everything was going good but one of my cousins burnt his leg. I could feel his pain. We stayed alert after that accident. 

We also went to Pokhara after the rituals got over. We visited fewa tal, Devi’s fall, bat cave and a museum too. Doing cannonball was one of my best experiences I had with them. 

I did have some quarrels with them during their stay but I knew I would miss them when it was their time to leave the country. We hugged and promised to see each other again soon!