
Student Corner

A Night at Sea

Written by: Aayotrie Chaudhary - 27019, Grade IX

Posted on: 07 August, 2023

A moonlit night
Awake at sea
A lonely man watches the stars.


They glimmer and shimmer
Glow and shine
In the open, pitless sky.


The boat glides
Along the frigid sea
Amidst the foggy surroundings .


The Northern star shines alone
The man’s presence alike
He stares into the deep darkness above and below.


The only sound is a the low whispers of the wind
Gushing his dingy boat along 
The current tows him away from it all.


Lonely yet peaceful
Alone with himself once more
The boat is carried away from home.


Alas, is it really home?
For there is no longing
There is no pull to take him back.


The ocean’s his home
The dark misty sea
Endless and swell, with all its glory.


His hand can do no more
He has no one to stay for
It’s only him and the sea
It’s only him and the sea.