
Student Corner

My Bond With Family

Written by: Subigya Raj Kharel - 29065, Grade VII

Posted on: 07 August, 2023

My family treats me with love and grace,
My little home, my special place
Mom and Dad, my guiding light,
They taught me to know wrong from right

My grandparents, wise and old
And I love their stories told
During dinner, we talk a lot
Share our joys and what not

Over small things, we would fight
But would reunite just by night
Even in ups and downs, we stand tall,
We believe in one for all.

On holidays, we trip to the malls
And they spoil me with shopping hauls
Together we pray for health and peace
So that our love would never decreased

In diners and game nights, love is expressed
To have such a family, I’m truly blessed.
My family is my strength and pride
To my family, I’m strongly tied.