
Student Corner

Existence of White Holes

Written by: Sarthak Dahal - 27022, Grade IX

Posted on: 03 August, 2023

We are well aware of the concept of blackholes which has been around for about a century. Recently scientists have been talking about the twin of black hole ‘white hole’. We all know that a black holes are very terrifying and large objects lurking deep in the universe. The process of forming blackholes is quite fascinating. A star about 20x more massive than our sun. At the end of the star’s lifetime the star becomes unstable and its core collapses upon itself. Recently scientists have found something that could be a white hole.

The theory of the existence of white holes was first given by a German physicist and astronomer Carl Schwarzschild using Albert Einstein’s field equations. He stated that if blackholes can no longer evaporate they shrink and get transformed into a white hole. But, some scientists refuse to believe in this theory as it violates the second law of thermodynamics. We can never really know the reality and possibilities. Anything can happen all over the universe and we are simply not capable of knowing them all. White holes have been a very fascinating topic in science for a very long time. Although it is hypothetical, if it is somehow found to be a reality it can open the gates of the learning of the universe much easier. Many believe that blackholes and white holes are simply opposite sides of a coin. We know that energy can neither be created nor get destroyed, energy in the universe remains constant. We may also theorize that anything that goes through a blackhole does not vanish but rather gets ejected out by a white hole.

Some scientists even theorize that the big bang was actually just a white hole. We did not really have much evidence about the existence of a white hole until 2006. In 2006 a gamma outburst was detected by NASA which lasted about 102 seconds. The outburst was said to be caused by a supernova or a really big star. But, during further research the outburst was said not to be connected to any supernova or any star explosions. This event opened a whole new gate about the theories of the existence of white holes and how white holes could actually exist. The outburst was detected by NASA's Swift satellite. This gamma outburst event was termed as GRB 060614.  

Sometime ago white hole was just stated as a hypothetical twin of the black hole but now it has a chance to become a reality. Even with the gamma outburst of 2006 some scientists believe that it might not be a white hole. If not a white hole then what is it? Scientists and astronomers have been fascinated by it and are researching more and more about it and what it may be. If it actually is a white hole then we haven't seen much of the universe. It is still a vast and mysterious place with infinite possibilities. We have not even seen a tiny portion of it. Anything can happen all over the universe and we are simply not capable of knowing them all.
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