
Student Corner

Detective in the matrix

Written by: Rhiten Giri - 28026, Grade VIII

Posted on: 02 August, 2023

“How much time has it been” says Martin? 
“It has been a while since the death” replies Tom. 
Tom is the best detective in the world. He was currently investigating a case concerning the murder of Mr. Simon. He was one of the wealthiest people in the entire world. He ranked number 5 in the entire world. Then Tom said that the knife had some fingerprints on it. According to the fingerprint the murderer is the head butler Alfred. After solving that case he went to his office to look at other cases. Then he stumbled across his friend who was the owner of a huge company that had assets worth billions and the friend was the 4 richest persons in the entire world Garson. He invited him to his house to discuss some things. The Garson told him that all of his money was in crypto, and that money was being stolen by an unknown hacker and the hacker told him that he would give the money back if he gave a lot of information about the cryptocurrency and the bank account details about the customers of his bank. When Tom heard that he told Garson to ask help from the police, but Garson told Tom that the police would be of no use as the hacker had hacked the top government files of the country and there was not only one person involved in the scam there were about 1000 hackers in the scam. They were also called the Shadow Guards and they used a complex block chain network that was very difficult to crack. They were also some people who the government had send to capture them, but all of those people were killed, and they took their own lives instead of someone else killing them. The government works under the Shadow Guards and the organization was very powerful. The organization was also known as the worst. The head of the organization was also called King of Hell in the dark web. The organization had to be stopped so the leader must be found. Then Tom asked who else were the suspects in the case, then Garson said they were either Mr. Thomas or Mr. Simon, Then Tom said that Mr. Simon was already dead, and Mr. Thomas is the scammer who is running the organization. He is probably also the person who ordered the butler to kill Mr. Simon. Then detective Tom caught and threw the scammer in jail.