
Student Corner

Impact of Beauty Standards on Teenagers

Written by: Krishma Thapa - 27005, Grade IX

Posted on: 28 July, 2023

Beauty standard is the form of standard where specific shape, size is considered beautiful. Round big eyes, beautiful luscious lips, slim nose and a perfect model like body shape is known to be the beauty standard. These standards have an impact on teenagers.


Teenagers who are easily influenced by others be it in any case especially when it is about beauty. We care about beauty more in this period and how to present yourself attractive in front of others. When one looks at the standard the society created for us to follow we don't feel good about it. We never think about breaking the standard ourselves and presenting who we are but we work really hard to fit in that standard, even though it might be unrealistic. Not an easy topic but it really causes mental stress and ruins the mental health of many teenagers. Especially after lockdown they have stopped being secure and are seen wearing hoodies during summer, masks everywhere and rarely showing their face. As we all use social media, it is the main source where we get ideas about the typical beauty standard and we are so into it thinking we can do our best to fit in it.


People take it really lightly especially shaming teenagers about their body not caring about how they feel. They say it easily not knowing how typical they sound and how low they make one feel. We all should stop shaming others on how they look and ruining their confidence. We can see many secure ones being insecure by comments others make about them. We do have someone to admire especially idols we follow and we find them beautiful but never see ourselves from others perspective.  As we all have accepted that standard as the beauty standard we never think about changing it and breaking it. There are many celebrities who broke the typical standard and are being themself around the world and trying to spread positivity but we never care about it, we still care about fitting in into the typical beauty standards.


We should think about it once. Why are we pressuring ourselves? When we can be ourselves and find beauty in ourselves. Even though being a teenager is the period when we try to present ourselves as beautiful in front of others, still we should think about prioritizing ourselves too. We should always be enough for ourselves as the beauty standards are ever changing. Instead of focusing on the exterior beauty, what about our internal beauty? The way we treat others, the way we are respectful, empathetic, this is what truly makes us beautiful. These are the standards we should be setting for all. You will realize how others' opinions don't really matter. It matters when you care about it but when you stop caring about it and start focusing on yourself you won't care less about anything else. We cannot be insecure forever right, we do have a life to live after this period. It's a chance to make it better now for the future.