
Student Corner

Autobiography Of A Caged Tiger

Written by: Aakanchya Khadka - 2026012, Grade VI

Posted on: 23 August, 2020

I was a fearful tiger when I was a happy and cheerful tiger until I was about 4 years old. At South Africa near the river I was drinking water then suddenly a hunter named Naghka caught me. He captured me in a cage. Then he took me to a place where a lot of animals were captured like me. There were hippos, monkeys, rhinos, etc and even the birds like swans, peacocks, vultures, owls, etc were captured. One day one baby monkey said,” I was in Boston Zoo in America”. The hunter gave me food but still, I missed my family. I also remembered what my mom said to me,” if you meet a human, run away and escape from there if you want to live more. Now I understand why my mom told me that. Humans are mean and they can do anything to fulfill their wants. If they want they can hurt anyone or kill them.